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330 N D St, Ste 542, San Bernardino, CA 92401
330 N D St, Ste 542, San Bernardino, CA 92401

“The elements of a cause of action for intentional interference with contractual relations are: a valid contract between plaintiff and a third party; defendant’s knowledge of the contract; defendant’s intentional acts designed to induce a breach or disruption of the contractual relationship; actual breach or disruption of the relationship; and resulting damages.”

” The statute of limitations on an action for intentional interference with contractual relations is two years. The cause of action accrues on the date of the wrongful act, and in no event later than breach of the contract tortiously interfered with.”

“The tort measure of damages applies; plaintiff may be compensated for all harm flowing from defendant’s interference, including lost profits, expenses and prospective profits. Punitive damages are awardable where plaintiff shows by clear and convincing evidence that defendant was guilty of oppression, fraud or malice.”

[California Practice Guide: Civil Procedure Before Trail Claims & Defenses [citations to primary sources omitted]]

Post Author: lawofficesofjamesrdickinson