Family: FC 2100
“The Legislature finds and declares the following: (a) It is the policy of the State…
Law Offices of James R. Dickinson
(909) 848-8448
“The Legislature finds and declares the following: (a) It is the policy of the State…
“[The] California legislature enacted very specific rules regarding spouses disclosing all of their information in…
“There are special discovery rules to be used when filing for a modification or termination…
“[The] Civil Discovery Act applies to all family law discovery[.] Information obtained through discovery may…
In any DUI, the investigating officer will make a note of the “objective symptoms of…
“[Another] kind of default judgment occurs when the parties have agreed to all issues of…
“In a family law proceedings other than an action under the Domestic Violence Prevention Act…
“Pursuant to FC 92, family support means ‘an agreement between the parents, or an order…
“Contrary to what many people believe, when an ex-spouse cohabits with a romantic partner, the…