“A minor: is an individual under the age of 18 [FC 6500]; becomes an adult the first minute of his or her 18th birthday; this is called the birthday rule [FC 6501].
The mother of an unemancipated minor child and the father, if presumed to be the father under FC 7611, are equally entitled to the services and earnings of the child [FC 7500[a]]. If one parent is dead, is unable or refuses to take custody, or has abandoned the child, the other parent is entitled to the services and earnings of the child [FC 7500].
A parent entitled to the custody of a child has a right to change the residence of the child, subject to the power of the court to restrain a removal that would prejudice the rights or the welfare of the child [FC 7501[a]].
The parent has no control over the property of the parent’s child [FC 7502].
The employer of a minor must pay the earnings of the minor to the minor until the parent or guardian of that minor gives the employer notice that the parent or guardian is claiming the minor’s earnings [FC 7503].
The authority of a parent ceases when a guardian is appointed, when the minor marries or when the minor reaches his or her majority [FC 7505].
If a child, after attaining the age of majority, continues to be supported by his or her parent, neither party is entitled to compensation, in the absence of an agreement for the compensation [FC 7506].”
[LW Greenberg, California Family Law]