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1200 California Street, Suite 260, Redlands, CA 92374
1200 California Street, Suite 260, Redlands, CA 92374

(a) Required attachments

Every person who submits a judgment for signature by the court must submit:

(1) Stamped envelopes addressed to the parties (if they do not have attorneys), or to the attorneys of record (if the parties are represented) that show the address of the court clerk as the return address; and

(2) An original and at least two additional copies of the Notice of Entry of Judgment (form FL-190).

(b) Fully completed

Form FL-190 must be fully completed except for the designation of the date entered, the date of mailing, and signatures. It must specify in the certificate of mailing the place where notices have been given to the other party.

(c) Address of respondent or defendant

If there has been no appearance by the other party, the address stated in the affidavit of mailing in part 3 of the Request to Enter Default (form FL-165) must be the party’s last known address and must be used for mailing form FL-190 to that party. In support proceedings initiated by the local child support agency, an envelope addressed to the child support agency need not be submitted. If service was by publication and the address of respondent or defendant is unknown, those facts must be stated in place of the required address.

(d) Consequences of failure to comply

Failure to complete the form or to submit the envelopes is cause for refusal to sign the judgment until compliance with the requirements of this rule.

(e) Application to local child support agencies

This rule applies to local child support agency proceedings filed under the Family Code except that:

(1) The local child support agency must use form Notice of Entry of Judgment and Proof of Service by Mail (form FL-635);

(2) The local child support agency may specify in the certificate of mailing that the address where the Notice of Entry of Judgment (form FL-190) was mailed is on file with the local child support agency; and

(3) An envelope addressed to the local child support agency need not be submitted.”

(California Rule of Court 5.415.)

Post Author: lawofficesofjamesrdickinson