In California family law cases, regular, non-holiday timeshare refers to the standard parenting time schedule that a court sets for the non-custodial parent during regular, non-special times (i.e., not during holidays, vacations, or school breaks). This timeshare is intended to provide consistent and predictable visitation or custody arrangements for both parents and the child. The schedule typically includes a set number of days each parent spends with the child during the week, such as weekends, weekdays, or alternating weeks. The goal is to foster a stable and healthy relationship between the child and both parents while minimizing disruption to the child’s routine.
A regular timeshare schedule can vary based on the needs of the child and the specific circumstances of the family. In some cases, parents may have a 50/50 split, where the child spends an equal amount of time with both parents, or there may be a more typical arrangement where one parent has the child for a set number of days during the week, such as every other weekend and one evening during the week. California courts typically prefer shared custody arrangements where both parents are actively involved in their child’s life, but the exact timeshare arrangement will depend on factors like each parent’s availability, the child’s age and preferences, the distance between parents’ homes, and any history of abuse or neglect. The court aims to create a fair and reasonable timeshare that promotes the child’s well-being while ensuring that both parents have meaningful contact with the child.
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